This project seeks to empower key actors at the grassroots level, notably, the heads of villages, Stunting technical assistance committee, community health workers (CHW) and Women Empowerment Association (PKK) members. The project aims to improve their processes in planning, budgeting, implementing and monitoring stunting interventions based on the 29 composite indicators stated in President Regulation No. 72/2021, taken in tandem with evidenced-based learnings, and propose an implementation model to policy makers to inform their scaling efforts.

We have identified the village fund (ADD) as one of the key strategies in addressing stunting at the village level. Thus, the challenge is to facilitate allocating a budget line in the general ADD fund towards effective stunting interventions.

We aim to strengthen the local capacity to reduce and prevent stunting in Indonesia. The expected outcome of the project would be:

Immediate Outcome 1

Targeted villages allocate villages’ funds (ADD) for Stunting alleviation program

Immediate Outcome 2

The program on number 1 should be based on DATA (situational analysis data, e-ppbgm, or other recognized sources

Intermediate Outcome

Propose an implementation model for a better village-based stunting intervention program for key government officials in Indonesia and other key stakeholders (NGO, Corporate Social Responsibility)


Child Stunting reduction to less than 1 digit in our operational area


Stunting in Indonesia mainly happen in a rural setting. It would threaten our next generation future and the future of Indonesia!

We considered the most effective strategy to address stunting with the limited resources would be to utilize Indonesia’s Village Fund properly. So, we concluded that Training the heads of villages, CHWs, PKKs, and Stunting Technical Assistants through training and continuous assistance would yield the highest impact.


We have operated in 3 provinces in Indonesia

West Java

Central Java

Nusa Tenggara Barat

Nusa Tenggara Timur


Rote, TTS, Kab. Kupang
Nagekeo NTT
Cental Lombok & East Lombok, Sumedang, Garut​
All districts in Lombok
Wonosobo Central Java, Langkat District & Asahan, North Sumatra


Field Operational Guidelines






To Reduce Stunting prevalence in all targeted villages to less than 10% by 2024

To Propose an implementation model for better programming of stunting intervention to key government stakeholders in Provincial and National level to inform their scaling. The recommended model would include evidence-based interventions in previous projects and pilot in another province.

To Building & Strengthen Community for Stunting Alleviation Program in Indonesia


Baik desa yang diintervensi dan tidak, tren kenaikan dana untuk Stunting. 2-7%

Dalam perencanaan Stunting, desa SNGI setidaknya menggunakan 1 dari 3 data rujukan (ansit, e-ppbgm, aplikasi simpati)

Pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam perencanaan dan implementasi program lebih banyak di Desa SNGI

Dalam perencanaan Stunting, desa SNGI setidaknya menggunakan 1 dari 3 data rujukan (ansit, e-ppbgm, aplikasi simpati)


Goris Mustaqim

Founder SNGI

Blandina Rosalina Bait

Board of Expert

dr. Yusnita Yudha

Board of Expert

Andry Sutisna

West Java Team

Felix Karni

NTT Team

Ida Liem

NTT Team

dr. Raania Amani

NTB Team

Zul Fikri

NTB Team

Ummi Kultsum


Resi Mutiara

West Java Team

Rifky Taufiq Fardian

Digital Transformation

Shinta Mulyawan

Social Media Strategist

Below are some Quotes from the Beneficiaries and Partners:

“As a vice governor of NTB, we really appreciate the help from SNGI to solve the stunting problem in NTB. We hope that this model can be replicated to all the villages in NTB, because leadership and the capacity of village stakeholders is the key to achieve lower stunting cases in NTB to 1 digit by 2024”
Dr. Siti Romlah Djalilah
Vice Governor of Nusa Tenggara Barat

“Thank you SNGI for selecting our village as one of locus for a Stunting village’s program in 2022. We now understand that in order to achieve the stunting target, we have to work together with other stakeholders. That’s why now we have frequent meetings with Puskesmas (Primary Health Care), schools, etc to update the data of beneficiaries. We have benefited from the technical support from SNGI’s team in Village’s stunting program planning for 2023, our program now is more varied and based on clear analysis. We are committed to follow all the guidelines, including the implementation phase. Thank you once again SNGI”

Mr. Deni Wiarawan
Head of Jago Village, Central Lombok

“We feel now have more power to propose a Stunting program in Village stakeholder meetings because we could explain the reasoning behind every program with the Data and Guidelines. That was an eye opening for us as Community Health Worker who always just told us to do everything. Now we have allocated a budget for 2023 according to the mutual agreement of all stakeholders. Our main focus is to take care our adolescent girl in our village to have both education and heath services (iron pill consumption, hemoglobin check up), and most importantly to have a village decree to ban child marriage!”

Mrs. Baiq Supaili
Coordinator of Community Health Worker of Menemeng Village, Central Lombok District


“Although everybody is now talking about Stunting, few are really understanding about it, including in the government sector. SNGI’s approach is quite unique compared to all the training we have before. It strengthens our understanding of the root cause and how to deal with it from the village authority perspectives.  We learned how to use data in order to have a better planning and implementation of a stunting program. We have committed our Village Fund budget for several programs with low indicators on ANSIT data, and coordinated with key stakeholders about data readiness. We were very surprised during our village’s meeting, that a more varied program did not automatically result in higher cost, some of the interventions even don’t need budget! The knowledge we got from this program is immense for us as the village’s authority. Now we can better explain the reasoning behind the program. The SNGI’s field operational guideline was really helpful in terms of programming, especially on the program’s alternatives     to address certain problems, and budget’s planning simulation. We hope SNGI stays around until we achieve zero stunting. We believe now, it takes a collaboration to address Stunting, we can’t do it alone. Thank you SNGI, preparing a healthier next generation is our responsibility”

Mr. Senja
Secretary of Leles Village, Garut District, West Java